Dr. Dugani is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. He serves as Research Chair in the Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Associate Vice-Chair of Research in the Department of Medicine, and Associate Director of Community Engagement at the Center for Clinical and Translational Science. Dr. Dugani’s experience spans adult medicine, translational biology, epidemiology, and rural disparities. He completed Residency from Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School and a Fellowship in General Internal Medicine from the University of Toronto. He served as a Consultant to The World Bank. His research focuses on eliminating health disparities based on race, rurality, and region. He focuses on chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. He served as Principal Investigator of PEARL, a clinical trial on post-discharge video-visits and patient outcomes. Dr. Dugani directs HEXAGON, which is a research network for hospital medicine across Mayo Clinic sites in Minnesota, Arizona, Florida, and Wisconsin. He received an NIH/NIMHD K23 Career Development Award to study the burden of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. rural Midwest. He served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the journal Rural and Remote Health, and as Associate Editor of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovation, Quality, & Outcomes. He is a Rural Health Fellow of the National Rural Health Association and serves on the Minnesota Department of Health Rural Health Advisory Committee and Health Services Advisory Council.