Rodica Busui (Pop-Busui), MD, PhD, is the Larry D. Soderquist Professor of Diabetes, and a recognized national and international leader in the field of diabetes and diabetes complications. She is the Vice Chair for Clinical & Health Outcomes Research in the Department of Internal Medicine, and Director Clinical Research, Mentoring and Development of the Caswell Diabetes Institute at the University of Michigan. Her research interests involve chronic complications of diabetes, particularly diabetic neuropathy, diabetic foot complications, diabetic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, and novel technologies for treating type 1 diabetes. She has been PI and member of the Steering Committee in many landmark diabetes clinical trials funded by NIH or Pharma including: Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial, the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications, Preventing Early Renal Loss in Type 1 Diabetes (PERL), Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Diabetes 2 (BARI- 2D), Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Type 2 Diabetes-A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE), DEVOTE, REPLACE-BG, WISDM or MOBILE. In addition, she designed and leads several investigator-initiated studies to unveil disease modifying agents for diabetic complications, and on the use of diabetes technologies to improve patients’ outcomes and diabetes care delivery funded by NIDDK and Pharma. She is the Chair of the Steering Committee of the NIDDK Diabetes Foot Consortium. Dr. Busui has published more than 275 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters, and received awards from the Fulbright Foundation, American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the University of Michigan. She has been an elected member of the ADA Clinical Practice Committee, chaired the 2017 ADA Position Statement on Diabetic Neuropathy, chaired the ADA Scientific Research Review Clinical, the ADA Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease Interest Group, the ADA/ACC Heart Failure in Diabetes Consensus, and chairs the Precision Prognostic in Type 1 Diabetes Working Group of the ADA/EASD.